Model generator
In order to declare publicly a component you have to publish its TypeDefinition and its DeployUnit to a registry. To do so you have to generate a model for your component.
- Model generation is handled by platform-specific tools
- Maven plugin - java
- Grunt task - js
- Publication is handled by platform-specific tools
- Maven plugin - java
- Grunt task - js
- A model generator statically analyses code or uses reflection in order to create a Kevoree model composed of a TypeDefinition and its related DeployUnit
- The created model is then published to the Kevoree registry for a specific user in a namespace using a specific name and version for the TypeDefinition & DeployUnit.
Existing implementations
A maven plugin (kevoree-maven-plugin) is in charge of publishing collectively a component to a maven repository and to a Kevoree registry.
The code analysis is done by reflection (mostly by annotations scanning).
For the JavaScript platform, the model generation is made by a Grunt task that will reflect on the Node.js module code. The reflection is mostly done by reading the provided properties of the class. The properties that have a meaning in Kevoree are prefixed using naming conventions:
- tdef_version: for the TypeDefinition version
- dic_XXX: for Dictionary Attribute
- in_XXX: for input port
- out_XXX: for output port
The TypeDefinition is created by reading those properties.
The DeployUnit is created by reading the package.json
in order to know how to download the module from the npm registry.
Publication can then be handled, on demand, using another Grunt task.
Their is no integrated tool to do all in once in c# yet.
The process is split in two steps:
- publish the package to a nuget registry
- use the C# Kevoree Model Generator to publish the package to a Kevoree registry