
What is it?

The Core is the director of a Kevoree runtime:

  • it is in charge of a node (Kevoree NodeType)
  • it has to execute adaptations on deployments (model@run.time)
  • keeps track of model changes


The first step of the core is to bootstrap the runtime. To do so, the core is in charge of creating the node instance defined with a unique name at the start of the Core.
In order to know which NodeType to instantiate and with what properties, the core must have a model containing those data.
This model is known as the bootstrap model. Using this model the core will be able to create a new ContainerNode instance and keep a reference to it in order to ask that particular node how to do runtime adaptations on deployment phases.

Deployment phase

Using pseudo-code, the deployment algorithm (model@run.time) looks like this:

fun deployNewModel(newModel: KevModel) {
    // check the validity of the new model
    if (isValid(newModel)) {
        // compare new model with current model
        const compareResult: AdaptationModel =, newModel);
        // execute a list of command to adapt the current system
        // according to the new model
        if (compareResult.execute()) {
            // keep track of current model (history)
            // use new model as current model
        } else {
            // if an adaptation fails, rollback to previous state
            // which means, execute the successfully applied command
            // backwards to go back to the previous state
            // notify error
            throw error;
    } else {
        // if the new model is not a valid model, discard it and notify
        throw error;

Error handling

If an error occurs while processing the adaptations the Core is in charge of putting the runtime state back to the previous one. This is known as the rollback phase.
A rollback is an execution of all the already processed adaptations but backwards (cf. Deployment phase algorithm)

Using the Core within the running components and fragments

From a component or fragment perspective, one might want to apply reconfigurations on the running system on its own. To do so, each Component, Channel, Group and Node must be able to get a reference to the runtime core.

In Java, accessing the runtime core can be done like that:

@Component(version = 1)
public class MyComponent {

    private ModelService modelService;

    public void doSomethingWithCore() {
        modelService.update(aModel, new UpdateCallback() {
            public void run(Boolean success) {
                if (success) {
                    // adaptations made
                } else {
                    // problem with adaptation: not done

In JavaScript, each instance can access the core locally:

const AbstractComponent = require('kevoree-entities/lib/AbstractComponent');

module.export = AbstractComponent.extend({
    toString: 'MyComponent',
        tdef_version: 1,

    doSomethingWithCore: function () {
        this.getKevoreeCore().deploy(aModel, function (err) {
            if (err) {
                // problem with adaptation: not done
            } else {
                // adaptations made

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