A group is a piece of code which synchronize a model between the nodes connected to it. It is also the interface to load a living model into an external tool (e.g an editor).
- RemoteWSGroup : The nodes are connected to a shared WebSocket broker which broadcast every received messages.
- WSGroup : A WSGroup have the same behaviour as a RemoveWSGroup but one of the group fragment is running the WebSocket broker.
A group interact with the rest of a kevoree system through its interface. It is composed of different elements, usually described by annotated field and method (at least in our existing implementations in java, javascript/typescript and C#).
The method annotated with Start will be called when an instance of the group need to be started.
The method annotated with Stop will be called when an instance of the group need to be stopped.
The method annotated with Update will be called when an instance of the group need to be updated.
A field annotated with Param will be instantiated with a value provided by the model.
A few interfaces to the external system are provided to the groups by injection of interfaces instances. The core will match every KevoreeInject annotated field and will look for a instance of its interface.
The provided interfaces are :
- Logger : Offers a way to log messages.
- Context : Provider accessors to the node node, the instance path and the instance name.
- ModelService : Offers operators on the node's model. For example you can use it to publish a new model, which will be adapted by the core.
Naming rules reminder
As defined in the generalities part, every group must follow this name rule : kevoree-${platform}-group-${groupName} (e.g kevoree-js-group-ws, kevoree-dotnet-group-remotews).