Create libraries to support platform specific features / library / component

In the case that the target language is supported by an existing transformation, support for platform specific features can be added by creating platform specific libraries in ThingML. These platform specific libraries integrated ThingML structures and code together with code written in the target language and specific to the target platform.

This section details how to implement a driver for ThingML. A driver basically wraps an existing piece of code (in Java, C, C++, ...) and exposes it as a ThingML API, which can then be seamlessly used by service designers, with no need to cope with low-level details related to Java, C, C++, ...

We will use a simple random integer generator as a running example, that we will wrap in C and also in Java.

Generating random integers could certainly be implemented directly in ThingML, however, as all programming languages already provide facilities for random generation, this would have been like... re-inventing the wheel. Better wrap what already works!

Defining the interface

A ThingML driver is a plain ThingML component (or thing). In this respect, it is usually recommended to first describe the interface of a component, and then implement it, possibly for different platforms. This is realized in two steps.

First, declare a thing fragment containing all the messages that are relevant:

thing fragment RandomMsg{
    message request();
    message answer(v: Integer);

As ThingML is asynchronous, the request and the answer should be defined in two distinct messages. In synchronous Java, this would have been a single method like public int random(), blocking the caller until the random is computed.

Then declare a second thing fragment, which includes the former one, and group messages into a port:

thing fragment Random includes RandomMsg{
    provided port random {
        receives request
        sends answer

ThingML would allow defining only one thing fragment containing both the message declarations and the port. However, if a thing want to use a timer, it will need to include the timer messages. Splitting message and port declarations favors a better reuse:

thing fragment RandomUser includes RandomMsg{
    required port random {
        sends request
        receives answer

Calling native code from ThingML

Calling native code, for any target language, is realized as follows:

  • for pure native statement: they should be place between simple quotes, such as 'srand(time(NULL));
  • for mixed code, typically if a call to a native function should be passed with parameters coming from ThingML, it is realized as follows: '' & rn & '.nextInt(Short.MAX_VALUE + 1)', where rn is a ThingML variable (holding a Java type).

The implementation (wrapping) of the random facility is given below, for C and for Java.

calling C/C++ code

import "../random.thingml"

thing RandomLinux includes Random
@c_headers "#include <time.h>"
    statechart Random init start {
        state start {
            on entry 'srand(time(NULL));'
            transition ->waiting
        state waiting {
          internal waiting
            event random?request
            action random!answer('rand()')

First, the @c_headers "#include <time.h>" annotation ensure the RandomLinux thing includes the proper C headers. When the thing is initialized, it will initialize the random sequence by calling the C srand(time(NULL)) function and will then wait for request and serve random integers by calling the C rand function.

calling Java code

import "../random.thingml"

datatype JavaRandom
@java_type "java.util.Random";

thing RandomJava includes Random
    property rn : JavaRandom = 'new java.util.Random()'
    statechart Random init waiting {
        state waiting {
          internal waiting
            event random?request
            action random!answer('' & rn & '.nextInt(Short.MAX_VALUE + 1)')

First, a datatype is created, backed by the java.util.Random class. This datatype is initialized in the RandomJava thing as follows: property rn : JavaRandom = 'new java.util.Random()'.

The call to new is actually plain Java code and not a ThingML keyword, as it is placed between single quotes.

Similarly to the C thing, this thing will then wait for request and serve random integers using '' & rn & '.nextInt(Short.MAX_VALUE + 1)'.

This statement mixes ThingML code: rn is a ThingML property (though it is mapped to a Java type), while .nextInt(Short.MAX_VALUE + 1) is plain Java code.

ThingML Integer are actually 2-byte long and thus cannot be mapped to Java int. They are rather mapped on Java short. The Short.MAX_VALUE + 1 expression ensures the java int produced by nextIntdoes not overflow the ThingML Integer (i.e., a Java short).

Calling ThingML code from native code

The previous example simply called native code from a ThingML program. In more advanced cases, it is however useful to be able to call ThingML code from a native API (typically when wrapping a library relying on callbacks).

in C/C++

To do so one should adapt/wrap a native C/C++ library in such a away that the library can call callbacks which execute the ThingML generated code. We propose to adapt/wrap the native (wrapped) library in a library (wrapping library) which can call the generated code in ThingML. The explanation below is given using C++, but the same approach can be used in C as well.

Context: A sensor returns a value once in a while. There is a library that handles a value update. The library provides a callback which is called on the value update. Thus, a user can implement this callback to process the value or define some logic when a new value is returned. We would like to use this library in ThingML and define logic and process the given value.

1) Create a type definition for a callback and structure which holds the callback to call from the wrapping library. The type definition and structure should look as follows:

typedef void (*pthingMLCallback)(void* _instance, ...);

struct ThingMLCallback {
    pthingMLCallback fn_callback;
    void* instance;

    ThingMLCallback(pthingMLCallback _callback, void* _instance):

As one may notice, we use the ellipsis ("..."). Thus, the wrapping library can call a function with any number of arguments following _instance. The _instance argument is used by ThingML to identify a thing. Therefore, _instance is an internal concern of ThingML. One should just make sure that a reference to a thing (_instance) is passed together with a reference to the callback. ThingMLCallback has two arguments, i.e. a reference _callback to the callback and void reference _instance to the thing, which is passed as the first argument when the callback is called.

2) The wrapping library that calls the callback should hold a reference to an instance of ThingMLCallback. For example:

class BinarySensor {
        ThingMLCallback* valueUpdatedCallback;
        //set ThingML callback
        void setValueUpdatedCallback(ThingMLCallback* _callback){valueUpdatedCallback = _callback;};

        //function is called by a native library
        void valueupdate(int value);

3) Call the callback from the wrapping libarary as follows.

void BinarySensor::valueupdate(int value){
    this->valueUpdatedCallback->fn_callback(this->valueUpdatedCallback->instance, value);

Note, that the valueupdate(int value) function is called by the native (wrapped) library.

4) Define a thing which uses the wrapping library. The wrapping library calls the callback function value_change_binarysensor_callback() defined in the thing ZWaveBinarySensor.

import "thingml.thingml"

datatype BinarySensor
@c_type "BinarySensor*";

thing ZWaveBinarySensor 
@c_header "
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <cstdarg>
#include \"BinarySensor.h\"

using namespace TinyOpenZWaveApi;
    property bs : BinarySensor

    provided port bsport {
        receives initialize

    //these are two internal ports shoud be bound together
    provided port bsportintsend {
        sends status

    required port bsportintrecv {
        receives status

    function value_change_binarysensor_callback()
    @c_prototype "void value_change_binarysensor_callback(void *_instance, ...)"
    @c_instance_var_name "(ZWaveBinarySensor_Instance *) _instance"
        'va_list arguments;'
        'va_start(arguments, _instance);'
        'int state = va_arg(arguments, int);'

    function init_binarysensor() do
        print "ZwaveBinarySensor: initializing ... \n"
        'ThingMLCallback* value_changed = new ThingMLCallback(value_change_binarysensor_callback, _instance);'
        bs = 'new BinarySensor();'

    function getState() : Integer do
        return ''&bs&'->getCurrentValue()'

    statechart behavior init Start {

        state Start {
            on entry do
                print "ZwaveBinarySensor: waiting for initialize command ...\n"
            event bsport?initialize
            action do

        state Ready {
            on entry do
                print "ZwaveBinarySensor: ready ...\n"

            internal event e : bsportintrecv?status
            action do
                // here may go some code


Note, we use the ThingML capability to bland the ThingML code and sources which are native to some platform (in this case C++). The C++ code is enclosed by the single quotes.

We have defined the callback value_change_binarysensor_callback with the signature that corresponds to the typedef from point 1. Make sure that this callback in ThingML should be annotated with @c_prototype and @c_instance_var_name. The annotation @c_prototype instructs ThingML to generate a function with the signature given in the double quotes, @c_instance_var_name casts _instance to the proper type. These annotations are required to perform a call of the callback on the right thing (it is the ZWaveBinarySensor thing in our case)

Further, we create an instance of ThingMLCallback that holds references to the callback value_change_binarysensor_callback and ZWaveBinarySensor thing (_instance), i.e. ThingMLCallback* value_changed = new ThingMLCallback(value_change_binarysensor_callback, _instance);. Subsequently, value_changed is passed to the wrapping library, i.e. ''&bs&'->setValueUpdatedCallback(value_changed);'. Now if the native (wrapped) library calls the function which we have implemented in the wrrapping library, i.e. void valueupdate(int)(see the point 2), the wrapper calls the callback function value_change_binarysensor_callback(). Finnally, we can extract a value passed to the callback using va_list and va_arg in function value_change_binarysensor_callback() as well as we can use any ThingML instructions.

in Java

In Java, the easiest way to call ThingML code from a plain Java class is to

  1. Make the Thing extend a Java interface. This is realized by annotating the thing: thing MyThing @java_interface "my.package.MyInterface". The methods defined in this Java interface should be implemented in the thing. As ThingML functions are private by default, the function corresponding to the Java methods to be implemented need to be annotated: function myFunction()@override "true". This function needs to have the exact same signature as the one defined in the Java interface.
  2. In the external Java class, import the Java interface, define a pointer to that interface (a reference or a list), and call the methods of that interface in the Java class
  3. Implement a registration mechanism in the Java class, so that I can actually call the class generated from the thing (and extending the interface). This can typically be done by defining an extra argument (typed by the interface) in the constructor. The plain Java class can then be created from the thing as follows: 'new my.package.MyClass(this)'. The Java class can then hold a reference to the thingml object (this) and call methods on it.

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