KevScript Tools
In order to manipulate models, we have created a scripting language that is called KevScript.
This language is not a general purpose language
A KevScript engine will take a script and a model as inputs, and return a new model modified according to the script.
In other word, KevScript is only a Kevoree-specific transformation language.
The KevScript grammar is written using Waxeye. Waxeye is a parser generator based on parsing expression grammars (PEGs) and it is able to generate parsers in many different languages, such as:
- Java
- JavaScript
- Python
- C
- Ruby
- Scheme
If you want to create your own KevScript interpreter, maybe waxeye can already generate the parser for you.
KevScript grammar in Waxeye
# KevScript grammar
# Rules
# =====
KevScript <- ws *((Statement | :Comment eol) ws) :?Comment
Statement <- Add | Remove | Move | Attach | Detach | Set | AddBinding | DelBinding | Include | Network | AddRepo | Namespace | Start | Stop | Pause
Add <- AddToken ws NameList ws :':' ws TypeDef # kevs.add group0, group1 : WebSocketGroup
Remove <- RemoveToken ws NameList # remove node0, node0.comp1, sync
Move <- MoveToken ws NameList ws InstancePath # move node0.comp0, node2.* node1
Attach <- AttachToken ws NameList ws InstancePath # kevs.attach node0, node1 group0
Detach <- DetachToken ws NameList ws InstancePath # kevs.detach node0, node1 group0
Set <- SetToken ws InstancePath ?(:'/' InstancePath) ws :'=' ws (CtxVar | GenCtxVar | RealString) # set node0.comp0.myAtt = 'foo'
# set sync.myAtt/node0 = "foo"
# set node0.started = "false" -> is used to define if the instance is started or not
Network <- NetworkToken ws InstancePath ws (CtxVar | String2) # network node1.lan.eth0
AddBinding <- BindToken ws InstancePath ws InstancePath # bind node1.comp0.sendMsg chan42
DelBinding <- UnbindToken ws InstancePath ws InstancePath # unbind node1.comp0.sendMsg chan0
AddRepo <- RepoToken ws RealStringNoNewLine # repo ""
Include <- IncludeToken ws String :':' String2 # include npm:kevoree-chan-websocket
# include mvn:org.kevoree.library.javase:websocketgrp:2.0.5-SNAPSHOT
NameList <- InstancePath ws *(:[,] ws InstancePath) # node42
# node0, node0.comp1, node42
TypeDef <- TypeFQN ?(:'/' Version) # FooType/0.0.1 (specific vers.)
# FooType (last vers.)
# org.kevoree.Foo/0.42.0 (fully qualified name)
TypeFQN <- String3 *([.] String3)
Namespace <- NamespaceToken ws String # namespace sp-ace_0
Start <- StartToken ws NameList # start host.child
Stop <- StopToken ws NameList # stop child, child1
Pause <- PauseToken ws NameList # pause node0.comp
InstancePath <- (Wildcard | String | CtxVar | GenCtxVar) *(:[.] (Wildcard | String | CtxVar | GenCtxVar))
# node0.*.att
# %%ctxVar%%
# node0.%%genVar%%
Wildcard <- '*'
CtxVar <- :'%' String :'%'
GenCtxVar <- :'%%' String :'%%'
String <- +[a-zA-Z0-9_-]
String2 <- +[a-zA-Z0-9.:%@_-]
String3 <= +[a-zA-Z0-9_]
Version <- (TdefVersion ?(:'/' DuVersion))
TdefVersion <- Integer | Latest | CtxVar
DuVersion <- Release | Latest | CtxVar
Integer <- +[0-9]
Release <- ReleaseToken
Latest <- LatestToken
Line <- +(!eol .) # anything but EOL
RealString <- :['] *(NewLine | Escaped | SingleQuoteLine) :[']
| :["] *(NewLine | Escaped | DoubleQuoteLine) :["]
Escaped <- [\\](!eol .)
SingleQuoteLine <- +(!['] ![\\] (!eol .))
DoubleQuoteLine <- +(!["] ![\\] (!eol .))
RealStringNoNewLine <- :['] *([\\](!eol .) | !['] ![\\] (!eol .)) :[']
| :["] *([\\](!eol .) | !["] ![\\] (!eol .)) :["]
NewLine <- :'\r\n' | :'\n' | :'\r'
# =========
# End Rules
# Void Non-terminals
# =============
RepoToken <: 'repo'
IncludeToken <: 'include'
AddToken <: 'kevs.add'
RemoveToken <: 'remove'
MoveToken <: 'move'
SetToken <: 'set'
AttachToken <: 'kevs.attach'
DetachToken <: 'kevs.detach'
NetworkToken <: 'network'
BindToken <: 'bind'
UnbindToken <: 'unbind'
NamespaceToken <: 'namespace'
StartToken <: 'start'
StopToken <: 'stop'
PauseToken <: 'pause'
LatestToken <: 'LATEST'
ReleaseToken <: 'RELEASE'
Comment <: '//' ?Line
eol <: '\r\n' | '\n' | '\r'
ws <: *([ \t] | eol)
# =================
# End Void Non-terminals